Life Rebuilding LLC

Counselor in New York City, New York

116 W 23rd St Suite 500, New York, NY 10011, United States

+1 646-749-0566

Life Rebuilding LLC


Do you believe in the incredible healing potential of the human spirit? Or do you know it, deep down in your bones? For me, the healing power of transformation and therapy is something I can never take for granted; it is something I know inside and out; something that is as real to me as the rising of the sun in the morning.

I know life can be hard. It can be painful. Tiring. Daunting. It is the first, longest and last experience that any human will ever face. And you? You deserve to live it fearlessly. But over the course of our lives, we will all face adversity.

Now you might be wondering, “Where can I get the assistance that I need?” Luckily for you, the answer is right in front of you. Life Rebuilding is your help. So from “the little Haitian girl with the funny accent,” to all of you unique, interesting, and wonderful people out there: Welcome!